Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions are not answered in the accordion below, feel free to contact us any time. We will answer all your questions around P3/COBOL.

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P3/COBOL compiles your COBOL application to Java, where the Java Compiler compiles to Java byte-code.

The latest P3/COBOL 8.3 release supports Java LTS version 8, 11 and 17.

P3/COBOL supports Java distributions from:

Amazon Corretto, Azul Zulu, Eclipse OpenJ9, Eclipse Temurin, IBM Semeru, OpenLogic, Oracle Java and GraalVM.

Yes, P3/COBOL runs perfect on Apple's M1 and M2 Chips with an incredible good performance especially for development.

Of course, you can get a free trial to test your COBOL application with P3/COBOL. Just let us know (eMail) and we will give you access to the Downloads.

Yes, if you want to use P3/COBOL commercially there is a subscription plan with different support plans, depending on your requirements.

The subscription plan includes all latest P3/COBOL updates, upgrades and high-level support by our Support-Team.